Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter and Prayer Buddies

A few days before Easter, Josephine and I started to get sick. I was still hopeful and that by Easter Sunday we would be better and able to attend mass and Easter dinner with family. Well, by Saturday afternoon it was clear that we wouldn't be going anywhere on Easter, and I was so bummed. I love the Easter service, and I was really looking forward to getting together with my family. Instead, I spent the day with a horrible cough and lots of congestion. Thankfully, Jojo was a lot better, and she thoroughly enjoyed her Easter basket!

We tried to make the best of it, and we had fun at home as a family. Jo had a great time reading her new books from her basket, and she also learned some new words, like "Peeps!" :) I was sad that no one would get to see her in her Easter dress, so I put her in it anyway and took a few pictures. She looked so grown-up and adorable!

I was my privilege to pray this Lent for Christina at I loved reading her blog, and her little girl is so adorable! I offered up all of my morning sickness and pregnancy discomforts for her and her intentions. I also prayed for her at mass and in my daily prayers. Christina, I will continue to pray for you and your family!

I was so thrilled to learn that Jenny at was praying for me this Lent. It was a difficult Lent for me with lots of sickness, but I definitely felt her prayers! I'm so happy for her and her husband, as they are expecting a baby in October, too! We are due six days apart! Jenny, thank you so much for your prayers. I'm excited to follow you and your journey, and I will pray for you and your little blessing!